Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Progression of Poster

This is what I have done so far for my poster. I am still to make a lot of improvements as well as the necessary changes for the poster to look the way I want it but also for it to show professionalism.

Friday, 11 December 2015

First Photoshoot

These are some of the photos that I ended up with at the end of the shoot. However, as ideas are still flowing through my head, I may book another photography shoot, to gain a wide range of pictures to choose from instead of one set.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Task 8 Outline

Part 1:
·         Start working on print products
·         CD Digi Pack – Minimum of 4 panes including spine (Front, back, inside right and inside left)
·         A4 Advert (Magazine) – Consistent house style throughout (Fonts, shoots and colour scheme)

Part 2:
·         Mock-up/sketch/plan of the CD package and the magazine advert

Part 3:
·         Pitch of the Key Case Studies
·         The look of the package (Fonts, colour schemes, motifs)

·         Ideas for my CD package linking to the music video

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Feedback From Video Viewing

Here is the feedback from the viewing of my finished music video. I received my feedback from my other peers and I mostly was told to make the actress (Love interest) stand out more, by wearing bright colours and set her in different locations. However, I wasn't able to amend my video due to time and notice for my actress, as she was going to be busy for a two week period. Nevertheless, I am happy with the feedback and the standard of my video.